Scurry-Rosser Names John David Caffey as Head Coach

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Scurry-Rosser ISD named Yorktown head coach John David Caffey as the next athletic director/head football coach at Scurry-Rosser High School on Thursday night. 

Caffey replaces Jeff Cleveland, who announced his retirement in December after leading the Wildcats program the past six seasons and leading the Wildcats to an 8-3 mark in 2022.

“I’ve got three sons and I’m fired up to bring them to Scurry-Rosser," Caffey said. "the commitment to academics and athletics they’ve made is first class and they want to be championship in all sports, boys and girls. Yorktown is a great community that loves their kids, I’m a coaches kid, so I’ve never lived anywhere as long as I’ve lived in Yorktown, this place will always be special to us."

Coach Caffey led Yorktown for six seasons posting a solid 45-34 overall record, three times he led Yorktown to the area playoffs in 2015, 2016 and 2021.

Caffey comes from a coaching family as his father Stan Caffey is a longtime head coach with stops at White Deer, McCamey, Claude, Anson, Springlake-Earth, Winters and Austin Brentwood Christian. His his brother is also a current head coach as Jeff Caffey currently serves as head football coach at Shamrock.


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