Y.A. Tittle

Marshall High School


Inducted in 1987

Tittle was plenty good in Marshall High School, outstanding at LSU, and among the greatest professional quarterbacks and passers of all-time while with the New York Giants. Tittle established himself as a strong passer and back at Marshall high during the 1941, 1942, and 1943 seasons. He entered LSU as a tailback, then became a passing star when the Tigers switched to the T-Formation prior to his sophomore year. He was All-SEC his junior and senior seasons. After three years with Baltimore and ten with the 49ers, Tittle was traded to the New York Giants prior to the 1961 season. After leading the Giants to 3 straight eastern Division titles, Tittle retired in 1964. When asked to name the all-time greats among pro quarterbacks, oldtimers say, “Start with Baugh, Tittle, Lujack, Unitas, and Namath,” and include any others you like, but these five are the legends.